March 21, 2011

Fleece Flower Petal Pillows

Hi, I'm Laura, and I'm addicted to fleece!  (Phew, it feels so much better to get that out in the open  :)  )

Seriously, though, can you blame me?!  Fleece is inexpensive, comes in tons of different colors and patterns, is soft and cozy, and doesn't fray or require hemming/finishing of edges.  So far, I've used it to make Fleece Boa scarves, a cute Reverse Applique scarf and a No-Sew Fleece Pillow.  My only problem with this fleece obsession is that I've found myself "collecting" it.  I'll find remnants at the fabric store for next to nothing and I just can't pass it up.  Plus, I have lots of good sized scraps here at home left over from all my projects.  I recently started working on re-organizing my craft room and filled several large plastic bins with fleece yardage and remnants.  Now that winter scarf season is over, I knew I had to come up with another fun way to use one of my favorite fabrics.

Aren't they a cheery little addition to the bed?

So, to celebrate the start of Spring,  I decided to make some pretty, bright and colorful Spring flower pillows using some of that leftover fleece!!  They took a little while, but were really quite easy to make and the girls LOVED them.  I made these first two as a surprise for them, but I think I might enlist their help and make a bunch more.  I did sew around the edges of our pillows and on the leaves, but the majority of the project was just done with hot glue (and I'm sure you could even hot glue the edges of your pillow together to make this a completely no-sew project!) 
Here's what you need:

Fleece (1/2 yard in the color of your flower, plus some coordinating scraps for the center and leaves)  You could also use felt, but I think fleece is softer!
Hot Glue Gun

Here's what to do:

1.  Cut two circles out of your fleece.  The size is up to you.  I traced a large bowl and my circles were about 14".  Sew (or hot glue) around the edges, leaving an opening for stuffing.  Next, using a piece of chalk or marking pen, trace a smaller circle for the center of your flower and three additional rings to make a bullseye design.  ( I somehow missed the picture of the completed bullseye, but you can get the idea).  These guidelines will help you place your petals.

 2.  Cut out four leaf shapes.  I just eyeballed them.  Then sew the leaves together along the outside edges and add stitched leaf veins.  (You could also just hot glue the edges and draw the veins on with fabric paint or markers.)

3.  Add stuffing to your pillow and stitch (or glue) closed the opening.  I then used pinking shears to trim the edges of the pillow and leaves to make it a little more decorative (optional).
4.  Using hot glue, attach the leaves to the edge of your pillow.

Everything is sewn.

The edges are "pinked" and the leaves are attached.

5.  Cut out a bunch of petals.  Again, I just eyeballed a petal-like shape.  You could make them wider/narrower/more rounded/more pointed, etc. depending on what you want your flower to look like.  I made them in two sizes, a larger one for the outer petals, a smaller one for closer to the center. ( The petals I made were approx 3" x 1 3/4" for the larger ones and 2" x 1 1/2" for the smaller ones)

I actually cut out and used a lot more, probably 50-60 or so.

6.  Starting on the outer ring of the bullseye you traced, start gluing down your petals.  I found it worked best to put a line of glue along the bottom of the petal, pinching the center to give it a little dimension, then attaching it.

A line of hot glue.

Pinching the center to give the petal dimension.

Attaching the outer row of petals.

7.  Once the outer row is complete, start working on the next ring of petals.  I added an additional drop of hot glue to each petal to help hold it down and cover the line where the first ring of petals were attached.

Use an additional drop of glue on the inner rings of petals.

Working on the next row of petals.

8.  Keep adding petals until your flower is complete.  I used the larger petals for the outer two rows, a mix of large and small for the next row, and all small petals for the inner row.

Almost done!
9.  Cut out some circles to create the center of your flower.  (I used pinking sheers again).  For each circle, add a bit of hot glue to the center and squish it to form a little ruffle-y shape and attach them to the center of your flower to fill it in. ( My circles were roughly 1" big)

My circles. They don't have to be cut precisely.

"Ruffle-ing the circles and attaching them to form the flower's center.

And you're finished!  Isn't it pretty?


  1. I LOVE your pillows and I do the same thing with yarn that you do with fleece, thanks for sharing this super cute project !

  2. Those are sooo awesome,and wayyy easier than they look!!! Great project for moms and kids. Maybe I will make one to put in someone's easter basket!!!!

  3. Beautiful! I don't know if I'm skilled enough to attempt it but they look fantastic.

  4. Oh those are absolutely adorable!!! I love this!! I'm bookmarking this to make some for MY bed...why save all the fun for the little girls? This Momma wants some fun pillows too! :)

  5. Those are toooo cute! I love it! I would love to make some of these for my girls' room! Off to check out more of your blog.

    I'd love to have you visit mine! I have two girls and a boy.. and post the things we do and what I make for them... check it out!

  6. u did a great job explaining this, i have my craft for tomorrow. thanks for sharing, yours are beautiful

  7. These are gorgeous!
    I'll be linknig to them on Thursday on my blog and on FB! Please stop by and grab a featured button! ;)

  8. These look fantastic! I love them ;)

  9. Love those! They are so bright and happy. They'd be perfect in a garden or sunroom too.

  10. Lovely...I never thought that those flowers were pillows in the first place...very pretty :)

  11. Your pillows are ADORABLE!! They are so cheery! I love them!! (I love fleece, too!)

  12. These are so CUTE!! They would look perfect in my daughter's room! Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a pretty posey... There *is* a fleece old navy pullover in my's getting warmer outside so I don't really neeeeed it anymore. ;)

    I am new to your blog and oh so very happy I found it. What sweet comments you receive!I'd like to follow you, please and thank you.

  14. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much everyone for the sweet comments. I'm so glad you like the pillows. I'd love if you'd consider following me on here and Facebook. Oh, and please be so kind as to link back to ComeTogetherKids if you share this project.

  15. This is too cute. Would be perfect in a craft room, if I ever get one.

  16. darling pillows!

    I am having a giveaway on my blog. $35 + free shipping to get a custom trendy backpack for your little darling from Paige Holliday Designs. All you have to do is leave a comment. ends 3/23.

  17. adorable!! i might need to make one for my daughter's bed.


  18. fantastic! i just love your lovely blog, thanx for the inspiration and grat ideas. I'm linking this tut on my blog right away! :)

    tea from

  19. These pillows are so bright and cheerful. Makes me think of sunshine and spring fun. So sweet.


  20. Those are so cheerful and sweet. What a lovely idea!! I would love it if you would link this up to my Marvelous Mess party. Each party I pick one project to feature on my sidebar for a week!! Here is the link:

  21. I love this! I'd love if you linked this up to my very fist link party!

  22. Those are the cutest, happiest, springiest flowers I've ever seen!!!! I love them!!! :)

  23. Beautiful! I'll be doing this for my little girls bed. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Wow, so cute! I'll bet my girls would love these on their bunk beds!

  25. This is fantastic!!! I will definitely try this :)

  26. They are adorable, I love them!

  27. OMG, I love it!! I will be making some for my little girls room!

    I'm a new follower and glad I found your blog!

  28. LOVE THESE!!! I thought for sure upon looking at them, nope I can't make those, they need to be sewed so I love thaf they aren't!! I found you via Extreme Personal Measures!! Great work!!
    Your newest follower

  29. OMG I love this idea. Your tutorial was super easy to follow. Now I need to stop blogging and grab my stash of fleece.

    This would make a great Easter gift for my 7 yr old daughter.

    I'm your newest follower who can't wait to see your other great ideas.

    Happy Spring!

  30. These are absolutely ADORABLE! Can't wait to try them :O)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving the sweet comment on my Mini Spring Wreath. I'm your latest follower!

  31. LOVE these! I'm about to have my first daughter (in May!), and I'm working like mad on her nursery... which will now include these adorable pillows! Thanks for the amazing idea! PS I found you through "She Wears Flowers", which I found through "In Between Laundry", in case you were curious!

    Can't wait to start reading your fun ideas!

  32. I'm a fleece addict too. I always stock up when it goes on sale, but I run out of ideas. I'll need to try this one. Thanks so much.

  33. Love these!! Stopping by from TCG - I'm a new follower!

  34. Hey there! I'm a new follower from the blog hop. So happy I found your great blog! That pillow is so adorable & clever!
    P.S. I love your blog header!!

  35. Thanks for partying with us! I'll be featuring you as a Friday Fav tomorrow at

  36. Oh yeah, I'm here via the Girl Creative Blog hop :)

    Hope you check me out too:

  37. can I use one of your images and feature these? I LOVE them. I need them for my life to be complete.

  38. Hi stopping by from Friday blog hop
    Those are sooo cute!

  39. These turned out so cute! I love how bright and cheerful they are! I featured you on my blog today- head on over and check it out!


  40. Very cute! I found you from the Creative Girls Blog Hop, and would like to feature your pillows at Craft Buds. I'll shoot you an email!

  41. These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  42. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
    Following from the Girl Creative Linky. :D

  43. These are truly AMAZING!! Would love for you to link up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings sometime.

  44. These are so super awesome! LOVE LOVE LOVE

    I just read your info and have to laugh...I have 2 little ones and feel the same way! Too much tv, too much whining, and I sometimes sneak away to stalk some blogs!

    P.S. I'm a new follower!

  45. Love this....I want to make it for my daughters bed!!!

    I am your newest follower....come and visit our blog
    and become a follower if you love our blog as well! :)

  46. I love these pillows. My only child is a boy but these would be perfect for my niece.

  47. These are so adorable! I have some leftover fleece too... bet I can whip up some of these cuties! Thanks for sharing...

  48. Those are seriously too cute for words! I love them. Going to add this to the "Must Make" list!

  49. Laura, I just LOVE these! I've made a couple already. I added a post on my blog, linking back to your tutorial. Thanks so much for this! Awesome. My girls love them. :)

  50. LOVE this project and your tutorial is awesome. I will have to make these for my girlies! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  51. So, so, so, so CUTE!!! Can you be in love w/ pillows? 'Cuz I am. With these.

  52. This is the cutest thing that I have ever seen! I have 3 girls and these would come in more than handy! Thank you for the tutorial, and also for the little fact that I can glue this whole thing. I don't sew-wish I could! So excited to tackle this project! Pleas, stop by sometime and say hello! Would love to make friends with such a fablous crafter! have a wonderful sunday!

  53. These are soooo cute. I love the fact that there is very little sewing. They look great in pairs.
    I just had to feature this on my blog:
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  54. I love this! I shared your blog and link on my Facebook Fanpage. I hope that's ok!

  55. laura,
    your pillows are amazingly simple to make. thank you for sharing this, i hope you don't mind if i feature them in my queen-of-denial blog.

    thanks for sharing this. :D

  56. Very very cute! Thanks for sharing!

  57. these pillows are amazing! what fun for spring! and comfy too, since they are made from fleece :) thanks for sharing !

  58. oh my goodness- this project is amazing! thank you for sharing a great tutorial with us. I'm a new follower.

  59. I love these pillows! I just might have to attempt this one for my daughters room! Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower now-you got me hooked!
    Christine @

  60. Holy BANANAS! I love these, they are so beautiful and I can't wait to make them, especially since it is a hot glue project, I actually think I could finish it!

    I wanted to let you know that I am highlighting this on Polly want a crafter 3/30 @ 7:00 AM! Come stop by!

  61. I found you via SunScholars;
    Just wanted to let you know these pillows are absolutely adorable!

  62. I love these, will have to try VERY SOON! :)

  63. lovely spring cushion :)

  64. Your blog is just darling and these pillows are gorgeous! I love them & it makes me want to go buy some fleece and try my hand at making them. Thanks for inspiring me.

  65. Thank you SO much for posting how to do this. I've been wanting to make some flower pillows for awhile now, but my head starts to spin when I think about pulling out my sewing machine, or following complicated directions - haha! So THIS is something I can do!!! I like quick, easy, but BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I'll post some when I finally get around to it (right now I'm painting about 10 pieces of furniture, no joke! you can check them out on my blog

  66. Amazing! I truly love these beautiful pillows. My daughter and I will make some of these together this weekend. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring.

    Stephanie at Full of Great Ideas
    (I am on a $0 budget for the month of March and am having a Link Party on April 1st to showcase mine and others craft and decor ideas that are made on a $0 budget. Please stop by and share anything you might have. Hope to see you)

  67. These are so beautiful! I'm marking your post to come back! I would love to try to make one! Hugs! ♥

  68. I LOVE THIS!!! Totally going to have to try this tut out when my baby has her first sleep over or something to give away to each girl... SUPER STINKIN CUTE!

  69. These are gorgeous!! I am LOVING them!! Great job and thanks for linking up!

  70. Those are SO cute!!!! I just may have to try those! I would love it if you link up to What's in Your Garden.



  71. Simply FAB Laura. These are a huge hit! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome idea!

    AND... Thanks so much for linking up with For the Kids Fridays at Sun Scholars.

    :)rachel @

  72. This is gorgeous!!! My girls would love to have 2!

    Feel free to stop by and link up to my Make & Share 1st edition if you like.

    ~ Christy

  73. SO cute. Beyond words! Thanks so much for posting this!

  74. Those are absolutely fantastic! I know what I'll be making for my three girls this summer! Would you mind if I post this project, with a link back on my blog?

  75. hi nice...very sweet...infact the kids would love it...even my baby is 2 years old n i will definately try this or something simmillar...and send u pic...thx for a beautifull idea....

  76. So, I've been seeing these EVERYWHERE!! They are so so adorable! Just thought I'd let you know...


  78. oh...sorry! forgot to put that I featured this on my blog today! lol! so cute!

  79. what a great blog and what a cute pillow! I'm def. making one or two soon...I'm a new follower, found you at a girl and a glue gun...

  80. Thank you for linking up to What's in Your Garden!! They are simply adorable!


  81. I tried your fleece pillow (and incurred a craft-related injury in the process.) : ) My 7 year-old is HOOKED!

  82. WOW those are waaaay adorable! I want to make some now! :D Thank for the tut too.

    (found you through tip junkie)

  83. These pillows are seriously cute! I think I may make some for my girly girl nieces. They would love them.


  85. Garota! Como você é criativa!! Adorei esta almofada com pétalas e vc é sensacional!

  86. Love your blog! The flower pillow is so pretty!
    I'm a new follower from the Creative Bloggers' Hop! Hope you can hop by my blog too!

  87. So cute! That's a great idea!
    I a new follower from the homemaker on a Dime party.

  88. LOVE these pillows- just gorgeous... came across them on Totally Tutorials... will definitely have to give these a go with my girls...
    Stop by and say hi if you get a chance @The Quick Unpick
    Am off to follow you about now ☺

  89. This is super cute. I'm your newest follower (from Totally Tutorials) and will be featuring this tutorial in my next Sunday Stalker edition (4/24/11). I hope you stop by, check it out, and grab a featured button.


  90. These are so cute! I will have to make some, I would love for you link up to Craft Couture Monday {closes Thursday}

  91. Great idea!They look sooo cute! and I've a mountain of fleece to use up! Thanks for sharing your tutorial too!

    I found you on the creative blog hop. I’m following you now and hope you’ll stop by my blog sometime too! Have a lovely week.
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  92. Another masterpiece! And yes, a beautiful addition to the bedroom. Thanks for sharing this at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  93. wow ! it's very beautiful :D thanks for sharing the tutorials too :)

  94. Wow these are so cute, I just loved them and posted a link on my blog FB fan page so I can easily find them again! I'd love for you to link them or another project up to my weekly linky party, a new one just went up.

  95. These are possibly the BEST cushions I have ever seen!!! Consider yourself bookmarked!

  96. Thanks for auditioning for American Crafter- good luck:)

  97. SO cute! I only have a son, but I'm bookmarking this for "hopefully someday"! :) Great job!

  98. Wow! These are so cute!! I think I am going to try sewing my petals on instead of glueing them on. I think I might be able to sew them on by following the circles and then sew the backing to the pillow on! I may just try- guess if it doesn't work I can always take the stitching out and glue them!! These would be so cute in my girls' room!!

    1. I love these pillows! What a great idea for a gift. I have trouble with glue not being durable. I am going to stitch by hand. I have tried to sew stuffed pillows and wasn't happy with the results.

  99. Bartlett Pairs, I really debated trying to sew the petals on too. Ultimately I decided against it for a few reasons. One, I think unless each petal is attached in two spots, it tends to flop over and not stay flat and covering the previous layer (that's why I added that second bit of glue on each petal). I also like the look of adding a little dimension to each petal, and I thought that fold might be trickier when sewing. Finally, the reason I wanted to sew instead of hot glue was to make the pillow washable. However, I think washing might mess up the look of the petals anyway. For now, spot cleaning seems to work fine.

    Please let me know if sewing works out. If it does, I definitely want to try it.

  100. I travel from one to another blog and I have no words. I say beautiful

  101. It's beautiful. Super love it...

  102. I made one of these pillows, and I absolutely loved it. The little girl for whom I made it loves it too. I had only one problem - my petals wouldn't stand up like yours do, they kept flopping down. Any suggestions or ideas?

  103. Lalitha, Did you put that extra drop of glue when you were gluing on the inner layers (step 7)? By doing that and pinching the center slightly when forming the petals (step 6), mine seemed to stay in place just fine. Could it be that your petals were a little larger?

  104. wow! these are so cute .These are absolutely fantastic.

    Gifts to Pakistan

  105. oi passei para conhecer seu blog parabens vc tem uma perfeição obrigado por compartilhar seguidora com muito prazer se quizer me fazer uma visitinha me deixaria muito feliz

  106. I Just Bookmarked this page.Love the pillows. Don't know how I ended up here ( I was browsing online for how to make Kids Pj's) Haha. Love this. This is going to be my weekend project. Will definitely post the pillow on my Face Book Page :) Thank you Again.

  107. Lovely! i love this and i will try the same.

  108. Awesome, i am always looking for new ideas for artificial flowers. This is beautiful and unique.

  109. Awesome, i am always looking for new ideas for artificial flowers. This is beautiful and unique.Thanks for explaining it step by step.

  110. Hello my friend! I *love* this soft, delicate creation! SO gorgeous!

  111. Wow this is beautiful I have never seen anything like it. Very inventive.

  112. I think I will have to make ALL your projects!! Love love LOVE your website!!

  113. You are so creative and I love your pillows. I'm so excited to create for my own one of this days.:)

  114. Laura, these are SO beautiful! I've now bookmarked your tutorial. I really wanna make this for my granddaughter and maybe one for my niece. BTW - I love your bright cheery blog look. The design is so cute. Love your detailed signature with the little birdies and cute colors.

    Hugs...Tracy (your newest follower)

  115. I love it!! I made a couple and mentioned your site and this craft on my blog ( ) ! I sewed mine though instead of hot gluing! Came out way cute!

  116. This is sooo cute! My daughter would love these pillows, I plan to try! Thanks for posting!

  117. This is sooo cute! My daughter would love these pillows, I plan to try! Thanks for posting!

  118. These are adorable!! I want to get started right now!

  119. Çok çok güzel. Çok beğrndim. Super:))

  120. Kids decorative pillows really do have many uses. The most obvious use is an accessory for their bed or even in their crib or bassinette.

  121. HI! I am in LOVE with these pillows and cant wait to get started! They are going to make the perfect addition to my daughters room. Thank you so much for posting this fantastic tutorial! I do have have a question though. My 5 yr old daughter has a talent for mess making! How well do they hold up in the wash???

  122. So glad you like them. My kids have a talent for mess making too, but I have to be honest, I haven't machine washed these pillows yet. I've spot cleaned them from time to time, and that's all they've really needed since they're mostly decorative on their beds. However, I'd guess you might be able to wash them in cold water/gentle cycle and the hot glue would still be okay. Hope this helps!

  123. Ok, good to know! Thanks so much for getting back with me so quickly! I have my supplies all ready to go. =) And thanks again for sharing your wonderful talents!

  124. Hi, I love your blog and I was even more delighted with this his pillow. I am already a follower. If you would like to know my work will make me a visit.

    A big kiss.

  125. Olá ! Adorei sua almofada , parabéns belissimo trabalho. Passei ser sua seguidora do seu blog , espero uma visita no meu blog , seja bem vinda no meu , um abraço, Vera

  126. bellissimoooooooo un'idea speciale

  127. Graciaas este cojin se ve fantastico es puro amor.

  128. Thanks for the inspiration! I was making my granddaughter a fleece blanket and thought a pillow would be nice and I saw this and I fell in love with it!

  129. this is so cute and I think I have just found my project for 2 girls who I had no idea what to do for them for Christmas. One is 8 the other is 6 and I think they will love this. May have to make one for my 2 yr old as well. Look out fabric store. Here I come!!!

  130. I just made one for my 7 yr old niece for Christmas. I am so excited about it! I sewed my petals rather than gluing them (just because I figured they would end up washing it eventually). thanks for the tutorial. It is such a cute idea!

  131. Fllece flowers petal pillows is given in the post here. Read to know more

  132. Love the pillows! A must do! my little girls will love them

  133. For sure I will do it in different colors!
    My daughter will love to do it as a gift for her friends too...

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. Beautiful pillows! I hope to make this soon. Since it's almost Spring, maybe my local craft store will have some pretty fleece on sale soon! ;)

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