September 27, 2012

Make Your Own Chalkboards (with construction paper and glue)

Here is another one of those "No way.  I had no clue you could do that" ideas!  A couple months ago one of my readers (Hi, Bonnie!) sent me an email telling me that she makes her own little chalkboards for her preschoolers using just construction paper and glue.  Now Bonnie said she has been a classroom teacher for over 30 years, so I was sure she wasn't making this up, but I didn't have a chance to actually test it out until recently.  Well, it totally works and it's such an inexpensive, easy and awesome idea.  

Check it out...

I know a lot of schools use dry erase boards, but I think these could be even better for several reasons.  First, they're way cheaper.  Second, you don't have worry about dry erase markers which are pricey and dry out quickly.  Third, you can even make your own little reusable worksheets with this method!

Here's how to do it (it's super easy!)

1.  Get a sheet of dark construction paper, a foam paintbrush and some white glue.

2.  Using the brush, cover the entire sheet of paper with a thin layer of glue.

3.  Let it dry completely, then "season" your chalkboard by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk over the whole surface and wiping it off.

4.  For added durability, you could mount your new little chalkboard onto a piece of cardboard if you'd like.

5.  To make a reusable worksheet, just write using a white crayon before you paint on the glue, then continue with the other steps.

Pretty darn cool, isn't it??!!  They're easy and cheap enough to make a whole bunch of different ones for your kids at home or to make a set for your classroom if you're a teacher.


  1. Super neat ;)!!! Thank you for the tut and thank you Bonnie for the idea. Will be doing this for Christmas gifts and more. Ideas are endless for this craft. Thinking outloud, gift tags, table placement cards, memo boards, craft booth deco, menu board and on. This is so much cheaper than paint. Thank you again!!!

    1. I know! The possibilities are endless. The only thing is that they can't really get wet, but they're so cheap, making new ones are no big deal.

  2. What a great idea! Thank you, Bonnie and Laura!

  3. WHAT!?! Genius. What an awesome idea.

  4. Way too cool! Thanks for sharing! I am going to try this soon for my little ones. :)

  5. I love the worksheet idea, especially for practicing letters and numbers! Thanks to you both.

  6. This is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Wow! I've never seen this before. Great idea! Jodi @

  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing!! Can't wait to try this with my kids and tutoring students!

  9. No way! I'm a homeschooler, and these would come in so handy! Pinning!


  11. This is AWESOME! I pinned it and am following your blog now :) Thanks for sharing!


  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE This idea!!! Just posted on Craft Gossip, thanks for the heads up!!

  13. That's pretty neat! I don't have kids, but I could totally see these being useful for multiple crafty purposes! Thanks for sharing :)

    (Found my way here via tatertots 'n jello)

  14. I am so amazed. I am so trying this!

  15. This is the coolest idea ever!

  16. And I'm guessing that you wouldn't necessarily need to use black paper, either. Any dark color like red, forest green, navy would work. You could even use light colored paper if you could find dark colored chalk.
    I will be telling children's librarians in my city.

  17. What glue did you use? would pva work? or does it have to be a special glue?

    1. Hi Clare. I'm not sure exactly what pva is, but I didn't use any kind of special glue. Just the regular white glue the kids use for school. Hope this helps.

  18. Wow! This is great! I just bought some special "chalkboard paper" but I will be using this method from now on.

  19. Love the worksheet idea - perfect for homeschool families!

  20. Does it have the same pull that chalkboards do? As in does it help kiddos develop fine motor skills/dexterity because of the pressure needed to use a chalk on a chalkboard?

    1. I didn't use it side by side with a regular chalkboard to really compare, but I think they'd be very similar.

  21. Wondering if this would work on wood...Ideas???

  22. Thank you Laura for sharing! I am privileged to teach Sunday School and we are always using paper to the extreme for review games, with this we will save paper (*waste*) and have fun making them!

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  25. Do you need the foam brush? I hope not because I don't currently have one! :((


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