May 3, 2012

Campfire Cones

Over Spring Break a few weeks ago, I took the kids camping.   I'll be honest, we weren't totally roughing it ~ our cabin had heat and electricity (and even a little fridge and microwave).  Despite those "luxuries",  I knew I wanted to do most of our cooking over the campfire.  We cooked hot dogs and chicken and roasted TONS of marshmallows (seriously, like 2 whole bags between the four of us!).  However, for a more "gourmet" dessert, I decided to combine the ingredients of our Campfire Bananas with the recent post I saw on Quirky Momma making Smores in a Cone!  ( The original idea that inspired this yummy recipe came from Chef Jessica.  Check out all the yummy ingredients she put in her Campfire Cones when she came up with this idea)

Let me tell you, they were AWESOME!  Just take a look...

 Here's what we used:


   *  Sugar Cones
   *  Peanut Butter
   *  Mini Marshmallows
   *  Chocolate Chips
   *  Bananas
   *  Aluminum Foil  
            (to wrap them in)

Here's what to do:

1.  Chop up the bananas and get some marshmallows and chocolate chips ready.  ( I liked using these ingredients on a camping trip because they don't need to be refrigerated and you can easily slice the bananas with a plastic knife ~ oh, and the fact that they're really, really yummy together!)

2.  Spread some peanut butter on the inside of the cone, then put in the bananas, marshmallows and chocolate chips.

3.  Wrap the whole cone in aluminum foil, then put in over the hot coals for 5-10 minutes or so, turning every so often.

"Come on, Mom, you're taking pictures of clumps of foil!" 

4.  Unwrap your cone, check to see that everything's ooey, gooey, and melted... then dig in and enjoy!

The combination of the melted peanut butter, chocolate and marshmallows with the warm bananas was just awesome.  Making it in the sugar cone gave it all a nice crunch and made it a little less messy than a regular s'more.  (At least for some of us)

The smile says it all!

Of course, an 8 year old boy can succeed in getting a very chocolate-y face and fingers, even with a handy cone holder!

Thanks Rachel at Quirky Momma for your recent post just in time for us to go camping and Jessica at Chef Jessica Bright for coming up with our new campfire favorite! 

Sharing the ooey, gooey awesomeness at:

Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. Yummy! I have to bookmark this for the summer! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. I've done this before! But not with the cones... what a great idea!


  3. Looks wonderful, but I'll have to try with SoyNut Butter. I hope it works.

  4. They are phenomenal! Glad your kids loved them!

  5. Pinned this! It's perfect! Banana Boats without the mess :)

  6. where did you camp? we live in MD, too, and cabins sound nice

  7. Camping trip coming up next weekend. So doing this.

  8. Anonymous, I'll be writing up a post about it soon, but we stayed at the Pohick Bay Regional Park in northern Virginia. We had a great time and it was only about an hour or so from Baltimore.

  9. This is seriously awesome!!! Wish I had gotten this before last weekend when I was off for a weekend campout festival. Will definitely be doing this one!!

  10. Look at those faces!!! Awesome idea - love this take on Banana Boats!! We're heading out camping in a couple of weeks YAY!! Will definitely have to try this! TFS!
    *new follower*

  11. what a great idea - visiting from six sisters

    new follower


  12. Yum! So many cute blogs on the net! Coming over from Tatertots and Jello.

  13. How totally delicious do these sound!!! YUM! I just might have to do this when we go camping this summer. We stay in cabins too and I still call it camping =o)

  14. Oh, what a great idea! I remember making both the cones and the bananas in Girl Scouts. I have them both pinned but never thought of combining them! :)

  15. Such a great idea! I passed it along to my hubs for a possible Boy Scout campout dessert!

  16. Mmmmm these look really good-but I do think I'd make them without the banana-thanks for a fun summer idea my kids will love!

  17. We made campfire cones this weekend too! We used chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, marshmallows, bananas, and strawberries and they were so good! Surprisingly, my boys even managed to eat them without making a mess:)

  18. Looks delicious and messy! I love it.

  19. Sooo yummy looking! I will have to remember this for our beach trip this summer.

  20. This is such a cute idea! We hope to see you back next week to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Thanks for coming!! -The Sisters

  21. Love this idea, my son has been wanting to go camping and we are going to take him. Will have to do this he loves s'mores. Thanks for sharing.

    New follower....we live in Northern Va

  22. I am going to use this when we do our VBS in June. Such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing!

  23. hi i love tne sound of these i will have to try them just 1 question can you tell me what are S'MORES ???? I am from Australia and i see it a lot on American sites Cheers Susan

  24. Susan, you must introduce S'mores to Australia! You just need graham crackers, marshmallows and a piece of a chocolate bar. Roast the marshmallow over the fire, then put the marshmallow and the chocolate between two graham crackers. The hot marshmallow will melt the chocolate and you have an awesome treat!

    1. They are called S'mores because everyone will want "some mores".

  25. In a cone! Nice! Great idea! I'd love for you to add it on my link party at: Thanks! Love your header btw!

  26. Mmmmm these look delicious!!! I'm going to try them this weekend @ camp. I may even add some caramel candies to the mix Mmmmm I cant wait to eat one of these!

  27. Mmm, I think they'll be a party in my mouth! Great compliment to my camping lesson:) Thanks for sharing!

  28. What can you use instead of peanut butter? I work at a daycare and we have kids with nut allergies. I would hate for them to miss out if we did something like this because of their allergies.

  29. Anonymous, the peanut butter is totally optional (as are the bananas). I just personally love that banana, chocolate, peanut butter combo. The cones would be just as yummy with just chocolate and marshmallows or by stuffing them with other ingredients the kids would like.

  30. Thanks so much, Laura! I think we are doing a campfire day for the boys this summer and this would be so much fun and they would love it!

  31. Loved these, but next time I will use waffle comes to put more yummyness inside!!!

  32. I can't wait to try this! Sounds yummy!

  33. I too love this combo!! We do this while camping also but we use a tortilla to wrap all the ingredients in! They are delicious! I can't wait to try it with a cone!!

  34. This is perfect for our campout birthday party in the backyard!!!

  35. Hi, Laura! This looks amazing!! I hope you don't mind me sharing this as part of my 101 Days of Summer Fun for Kids series!

  36. I've seen this done with strawberries instead of bananas. Looks good . . . must try this, this summer! Thanks for the instruction!

  37. Super yummy! Going to add this to our list of campfire treats! If you'd like another idea to try with your kids, I just posted about making s'mores with fudge striped cookies instead of graham crackers and marshmallows. :)

    Those taste great and are easy to make, too! Thanks for sharing your awesome idea.

  38. What a great idea! I'm going to try this out this week on the barbecue. Cheers Mr.CBB

  39. WOW Awesome! Great treat. Tried with and without bananas. Cone is a nice element. I will be using this for our Girl Scout camporee in Sept. Thanks

  40. Thank you for this great idea!! I shared it with my readers on my blog today and I can already tell it's going to be a very popular post. Thanks again!


  41. Mmmmmm....I can not wait to try this delicious treat at our next campfire!! Thanks for sharing it!

  42. That looks delish and what a fun thing to do while camping. Your kids will no doubt remember that!

  43. This is so easy, I love it! Just linked to it on my blog to share with others.

  44. Thanks so much, Laura! I think we are doing a campfire day for the boys this summer here and this would be so much fun and they would love it!

  45. Well! I can not wait to try this delicious!! Thanks for sharing it here!

  46. Than put it on top of a bowl of ice cream!

  47. Somebody asked for ideas on other things to use in these cones. Well, here's just a start - take your cupcake tins (mini or reg.) and fill each cup with different items. Let the maker choose. Try: chopped nuts (pecans/almonds are great), raisins, craisins, toffee chips, peanut butter, butterscotch, chocolate, white chocolate chips, chopped dates, bananas, any berry, chopped oreos, marshmallows, caramel chips, cantaloupe, mangos, peaches, granola, quick oats, shredded wheat (mashed up - nice and crunchy), cheerios, coconut, popcorn, etc., etc. Need more? Go shopping and grab whatever looks good to you. Just be sure to have the marshmallows! They hold it all together and make them gooey and good!!

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