August 7, 2010

Annie's Playground (Fallston,MD)

This photo doesn't even show the whole playground!

With at least a half a dozen playgrounds within a couple miles of my house, there would have to be a really good reason for me to pack everyone into the car and trek a good 45 minutes across town just to play on some slides and swings. Annie's Playground in Fallston, MD is that really good reason to turn a trip to the playground into several hours of fun. When I pulled into the parking lot on my first visit, I couldn't believe how HUGE it was! It's not your typical playscape found in your local park. There are tons of cool features that will keep your child entertained for hours. Pack a picnic lunch and you could easily spend half a day here.

Please note, if you have more than one child, this is definitely one of those places that could be considered a child's dream, but a parent's nightmare. There are tons of little hideouts and passageways that kids love, but that make it difficult to know exactly where your child is headed next. My children usually follow my rule that they have to stay with a buddy (or with me) while they explore and have fun. However, if you have more than one young preschooler, I'd definitely recommend saving this playground for a time when you'd have an extra pair of adult eyes to help you keep track of your children.

The fun dragon slide

Trying out a cool xylophone and drums

Hanging out on just one of the cool rope bridges

A tire bridge is fun too!


  1. For Pittsburgh followers who are not aware, we have 2 similar, but smaller playgrounds in the area. One is in Pleasant Hills (Pleasant Kingdom Park) and the other is in Dormont (at the park near the pool). The kids love them!

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