June 16, 2011

Summer Fun Checklist

A couple weeks ago, I posted these Five Fun Ideas for Summer Planning from our Summer Fun party.  I finally had a few minutes this week to sit down and make up my own Summer Fun checklist for our family.  (and just in time, the kids' last day of school is tomorrow!)  I just wrote our list on some patterned scrapbook paper and decorated with a few summer-themed stickers.

Inspired by this great idea at eighteen25, I framed my checklist (by spray painting a frame I scored at Goodwill for $3!)  We'll use a dry erase marker to check off the activities as we complete them.  The kids LOVE it and are so excited to start their summer vacation and jump into all these activities.

Easy to check off with a dry erase marker

On our list:

  • Go to the ZOO
  • Swim in the POOL
  • Hike to a WATERFALL
  • Make GAK (recipe here)
  • Play in the SPRINKLER (see it here)
  • Have a SPONGEBALL FIGHT (directions here)
  • Bake COOKIES (easy recipe here)
  • Jump off the DIVING BOARD
  • Mail a LETTER
  • Play with SIDEWALK PAINT (recipe here)
  • Pick FRUIT (here)
  • Go to the LIBRARY
  • Make PLAY DOUGH (recipes here and here)
  • Paddle a KAYAK
  • Go to IKEA
  • Make a CLUBHOUSE
  • Go to a SANDY BEACH
  • Go on a HIKE
  • Try a NEW FOOD
  • Go to THE COW (awesome local italian ice stand)
  • Play with BUBBLES ( see here, here and here)
  • Go to the PLAYGROUND ( here or here)
  • Do a 1,000 PIECE PUZZLE
  • Have a SLEEPOVER
  • Make ICE CREAM
  • Play a BOARD GAME
  • Go to DELAWARE
  • Have a PICNIC
  • Have a PLAYDATE
  • Go see FIREWORKS
  • Make S'MORES

Many of them we'll do more than once, so we decided we can erase the initial checkmark and  write the number of times we've done that activity.  I'm also sure we'll do lots of things not on the list, but since I knew the kids would hold me accountable for every item listed, I wanted to keep the checklist a manageable size and include only the things I was confident we'd be able to do.

Hanging up on the wall, ready to go!

Sharing our checklist at:
Sun Scholars
The Imagination Tree 
Ladybird Ln 
Katie's Nesting Spot 
Tatertots and Jello 
I heart Nap Time 
Skip to My Lou


  1. Love that!!!! If we weren't moving this summer, I would have made one for sure. Love how you made yours!

  2. Love this idea-especially framing and using a dry erase marker! Can't wait to get one started with my kids! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Gorgeous! And so many FUN ideas on there. I would love it if you would link this up to our big collaborative linky called It's Playtime! http://theimaginationtree.com

  4. This list is great! I'm going to add some of your great ideas to my list! :)
    P.S. I LOVE the frame you got a Goodwill! I'm always on the lookout for one that size! And for $3! I'm totally jealous!

  5. Really cute and what a score on the frame :)

  6. It looks great. I love all the fun things on your list.


  7. Love this! We did ours, too! Love how we can all make it our own! :-D

  8. Cool idea! Hope you all have fun with those things! (I want to make one for myself now, haha)

  9. I wish I could go to Hershey Park with you! One of my favorite places to go as a kid!!!

  10. LOVE this!! Would LOVE it if you would link this up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!! five nights at freddy’s

  11. A perfect summer for kids to explore the world around
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