November 30, 2011

Guest Post: LIVING LIFE INTENTIONALLY ~ Handprint Ornaments

I'm so glad to have another guest host here at Come Together Kids.  Beth, from  Living Life Intentionally is also a mom of three and her blog is just full of tons of great ideas.  She has crafts, recipes, party ideas, homeschooling lessons and more ~ all organized so you can choose to live your life intentionally without being overwhelmed by the demands of parenthood.

Today she shares some adorable Handprint Snowmen ornaments she made with her children.  You can see the fun her kids had with the project and how cute the ornaments turned out ~ a perfect gift idea for the grandparents ( or yourself! )

November 2011 219

This came out so cute I just had to share it with you!!! First, paint your kids hand white (with Acrylic paint, the Crayola washable stuff just won’t cover very well). 

November 2011 207

Put the ornament on your child’s hand and have them put their fingers up carefully. Put fingers back out and pull up ornament. Allow to dry (takes less than an hour!). Hint: If you put the balls on lids it keeps them steady. 

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The painting itself was a lot of fun! We used acrylic paint (we tried several different kinds, but this produced the best results). Minnie (almost 4) was not able to do the detailed painting herself, but she did enjoy painting an ornament freestyle. I put the faces, scarves, arms, & hats on Tinkerbell (1) and Minnie’s (almost 4) ornaments. Didn’t they turn out cute!?! I love that you can see their handprint when you look at it from the bottom. If you look straight on, it just looks like 5 cute snowman on a snowy ground. The 9 pack of plain ornaments was $2.50 at Walmart.  Wouldn’t this make a WONDERFUL gift for a grandparent!? ! Plus I am keeping one of each as a keepsake. 

November 2011 215November 2011 219

Here is Goofy’s (6 years old) hand print snowman creation! He did the painting all my himself! I am keeping this ornament for me!! What a precious keepsake!! 

November 2011 212 November 2011 222

Even if the fingers get smushed together (like one of Tinkerbell’s) you still make something cute….something like this. Although I’m sure a more crafty person might have some better looking solutions, but it worked for me.

November 2011 224

Thanks so much, Beth, for sharing these cute ornaments and the fun your family had making them.  I'm a sucker for handprint crafts, so I know I'll be making some Handprint Snowmen here with my kids soon.

And readers, make sure you stop by Beth's blog to see some of her other great ideas.



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  2. L~O~V~E it!!! How cute & clever

  3. That is so cute! We have to do this asap!

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  4. Too cute. The perfect gift for those Grandparents and other family members who have everything. Thanks!

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